Software Tools/Hacking Tools are special modification applications for PSX emulators, which will allow you to reposition yourself in the dream world using coordinates. Advanced versions of cheat clients will also include day changer hack, events counter and timer. Currently, hacks are only available on PC platform.
Muscle Trainer[]
Muscle Trainer is a software tool developed by user @Confuseme for emulators like psxfin or ePSXe that allows you to reposition yourself on your current Location of LSD.
You can reposition as long as you move to a position that already has been loaded by the game. If you move too far the game can crash.
Lucid Dream Explorer[]
L.D.E was based on Muscle Trainer's code & it will include advanced hacks, such as in-game timer, day changer, event counter, reposition hack & etc. With this tool you will be able to visit impossible generations of the game like Day 000, Day 366, or escape " death traps " like Clockwork Machines glitch & Violence District skyscraper spawn.