LSD: Dream Emulator Wiki
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Two Lions can be found in the savannah-like part of The Natural World roaming the plains. They seem to ignore the player for a while, but eventually approach the player.

Both Lions are spawned when the player loads the "savannah" part of the map. After some time both of them will simultaneously start approaching the player slowly. Watching this scene for too long will eventually cause them to merge with each other.


The behaviour of each Lion is unpredictable, as it is decided by the generation mechanic. In some dreams, one or both Lions may suddenly attack the player when approached, in other cases one or both Lions may appear neutral. Lions have no link, they just push the player several steps aside from them. Continuously running towards a neutral Lion may force an end of the dream, even if there wasn't any Lion attacking event.


The Lion has two different triggers that can occur when the player is close. It will either attack or push the player few steps away.

  • If the player is touching a neutral (non-attacking) Lion continuously, the dream may end suddenly. Such Lion will simply push the player away when too close.
  • The Lion may be generated in an aggressive condition. This Lion will attack the player when approached. It may be a sudden jump or fast approach with a breathing sound. In both cases, the dream will suddenly end.

Hacking Investigation[]

Interestingly, texture files for the Lions can be found inside the files for Bright Moon Cottage, despite there being no currently known ways of having Lions spawn there. The downer texture for the Lions is different in Bright Moon Cottage, showing a green and black color palette instead of gold and brown.

Glitches and Trivia[]

  • While approaching the player, the Lion may unexpectedly climb the tree and continue to float mid-air or simply vanish.
  • If the player moves forwards when Lion is attacking, there is a chance that it will fly over them and disappear into nowhere. It is also possible to run with an attacking Lion "spinning" on player's head, though hard to repeat.
  • If a Lion attacks the player while they stand behind a tree, a loud sound may start replaying repeatedly. It sounds like the Futon's breathing slowed down, possibly meaning that the Lion and Futon share the same sound FX.

