LSD: Dream Emulator Wiki
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Oddly Shaped Ghost

Ghosts are transparent entities, that can be found in the Violence District within the warehouses near the ocean. They vary in size, color, and can be seen crawling towards the player. A small pyramid floats where their heads should be, similar to those which appear above the Opera Singers in Happy Town. Trying to link with the smaller ghosts will either trigger a clip about flying over the Violence District, end the dream shortly after, or make the entire area stretch downwards and collapse on the player. The larger ghost can be found in the warehouse right next to the one where the smaller ghosts spawn. It will link to the Long Hallway.

Spawn Mechanics[]

Smaller ghosts are present within the Violence District during all A-type days of the game. The larger ghost spawns only on A1-type days though. Both small and larger ghosts may be seen only once per A-type dream, during your first visit to the Violence District on such days of the game.

Events & Trivia[]

  • Sometimes, stepping on a smaller ghost will cause the player to freeze for some time in one spot completely ( camera movement will also be impossible ).
  • The presence of the secret event upon the link with smaller ghost is controlled by the Generation mechanic of LSD: Dream Emulator.


Related Videos[]



EVENT: Warehouse is seen collapsing
